PO 1: The opportunities available for students doing BA in English are immense as English is a global language.
PO 2: The study of this course enables students to develop their literary aptitude and strengthen their linguistic foundation.
PO 3: It helps the students in developing effective communicative skills through literary subjects.
PO 4: Other than teaching, various fields like mass communication, journalism, media, and other fields open up for them.
PO 5: It also stimulates their creative instinct for getting involved in various cultures of literature and language as students learn different literatures written in English with assorted cultural representations such as Indian, American, African and so forth.
PO 6: It will also enable the students to think critically on various issues and subject matters and be able to demonstrate detailed knowledge in one or more disciplines and may acquire the ability to integrate knowledge across disciplinary boundaries.
PO 7: Students can develop the ability to extract and convey information accurately in a variety of formats by adjusting a writing style appropriately to the content, the context, and nature of the subject and an ability to communicate ideas logically and write clearly and effectively in a variety of forms.
PO 8: Students will gradually develop a spirit of critical and scholarly enquiry for the subject and develop an ability to formulate original arguments in scholarly discussions and apply appropriate research methodologies to specific problems.
PO 9: On successful completion of the Programme, the students will be almost accurate, both in oral and written communication as they will be strong in Grammar and its usage. They will be able to speak reasonably grammatical English in various academic and social contexts, use appropriate grammatical structures while writing English, use various tense forms appropriately. Be able to deal with unknown words using knowledge of related words and context clues, relate words to the topic, and understand key terms in the text, know linking words, understand collocations, define technical terms, and know the use of phrasal verbs and idioms.
PO 10: After completion the students will be able to comprehend a text meaningfully by making predictions about a text, relating to their life experiences to the topic of the text, identifying the key terms in a text, guessing meaning of the text in particular contexts, reading for overall idea of the text and for specific information, knowing the context of the text, comprehending a text meaningfully.
Business Communication: This programme is designed to cultivate in the students the skills of effective communication in the English language. Increase confidence in public speaking and articulating clear ideas in class discussion by listening thoughtfully and respectfully to other ideas and also to use electronic media for business communication.
B.A. English (General English, Alternative English):This programme prepares students to understand and use the English language effectively, build vocabulary and introduce them to current ideas and issues, as represented in some of the selected English Writings. Increase confidence in public speaking and articulating clear ideas in class discussion by listening thoughtfully and respectfully to other ideas. Enhance the ability to organize and deliver informed and interesting oral/written presentations and make the learners well equipped for various professions in future.
The Major Course in English aim at acquainting students with the contexts of the English literary tradition, the circumstances that influenced, shaped and contributed to the process of literary production from the medieval period to the Post-modern period. The students read texts produced from the medieval to the Post-modern period and learn about different literary genres, with a focus on formal and thematic experiments, representing important trends and cultural shifts in the last seven centuries. Students also learn about the impact of contemporary philosophy, ideas and art movements like existentialism, expressionism, impressionism, Marxism and the absurd on drama in Modern Europe and America. The courses have been methodically designed to cover important world literature and literatures in translation. The major course which is prescribed by Gauhati University includes issues as varied as identity formation, racial relations, gender stereotypes and the politics of language. They arouse the imagination and reveal the wide spectrum of human emotions and experiences.
Courses Outcomes
Semester I & II
BA- ENG-CC-1016 English I & BA- ENG-CC-2016 English II
Program Outcome: The selection of texts (English I and II) is aimed to present themes and topics that are stimulating, insightful and informative to the student.
Course Outcome: The aim of this course (English I and II) is to provide the student an opportunity to read and respond to representations of issues in contemporary life and culture in the English language.
Semester III & IV
Alternative English I: ALT-CC-3016 & Alternative English II: ALT-CC-4016
Program Outcome: This paper would seek to acquaint students with the major genres of English literature through texts which are landmarks of each genre. The texts have been carefully chosen to effectively represent the distinctive qualities of a particular genre.
Course Outcome: The course has been designed to familiarise students with different forms of literature, texts and their contexts. The select texts would enable them to understand literary representations and a writer’s engagement with the social, cultural and political milieu.
B. A. Honours English under CBCS
Semester I
Paper 1: ENG-HC-1016 Indian Classical Literature
This paper introduces students to a selection of literatures of India in English translation. Given that Indian Classical Literature offers a rich and diverse canvas that spans across genres like drama, poetry, the epic narrative as well as short fictional fables, to name a few, it is essential that students studying English literature are familiar with at least a few of these. This paper encourages students to think laterally about literatures of the world, and the possibility of cultural exchange.
Paper 2: ENG-HC-1026 European Classical Literature
Classical writing in Europe saw the emergence of traditions that cut across many genres, which included poetry, theatre, and general discourses. While the Aristotelian focus on examination of the essentials of poetry extended to incorporate discussions on epic and drama, subsequent writers such as Horace drew attention to the purposefulness of the creative exercise. In the theatre the widely divergent compositions by Sophocles and Plautus respectively show the consolidation of a rich cultural discourse. It is this enriching literary tradition that this paper seeks to familiarize with through the study of representative texts belonging to the Classical Period.
Semester II
Paper 3: ENG-HC-2016 Indian Writing in English
Introduction: This paper on Indian Writing in English introduces students to the historical development of this body of writing- the challenges faced by early writers, the growing sense of accomplishment in the writing of different forms and the interpretation of individual and collective experience in colonial and postcolonial India.The paper is divided into three units each dealing with a specific literary form.
Course Outcomes: Develop familiarity with the issues of politics of language and gender, nationalism and modernity pertaining to pre and post-Independence India that have been responsible for the emergence of Indian English literature, Understand the place of English Writing in India in the larger field of English Literature, Learn to discuss critically the use of literary forms of the novel, poetry and drama by Indian English writers in distinctive ways against Indian historical and cultural contexts.
Paper 4: ENG-HC-2026 British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries
This paper aims to familiarize the students with the two major forms in British literature from the 14th to the 17th centuries – poetry and drama, apart from acquainting them with the contexts that generated such literatures. The larger contexts of the Renaissance, the nature of the Elizabethan Age and its predilections for certain kinds of literary activities, and the implications of the emergence of new trends will be focused in this paper. It will also highlight the seminal issues and preoccupations of the writers and their ages as reflected in these texts.
Semester III
This paper seeks to acquaint the students with the main currents of American literature in its social and cultural contexts. The texts incorporated in the paper are a historical reflection of the growth of American society and of the way the literary imagination has grappled with such growth and change. A study of the paper, hence, should lead to an acquaintance with the American society in its evolutionary stages from the beginnings of modernism to the present as well as with exciting generic innovations and developments that have tried to keep.
Paper 6: ENG-HC-3026 Popular Literature
Over the years popular literature has moved from the margins to earn for itself a fairly important place in the literary and critical consciousness. This paper seeks to highlight the nature of ‘popular’ literature as a genre and the critical ideas underpinning the theorization of popular literature. This will be done through a practical engagement with various texts falling under its ambit.
Paper 7: ENG-HC-3036 British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries
This paper aims to familiarize the students with British literature in the 17th and 18thcenturies, a time-period which sees the emergence and establishment of greatly diverse kinds of writings. The selected texts may encourage the students to look at the economic, political and social changes in (primarily) Britain during this period, such as the shifts from the Puritan Age to the Restoration and Neoclassical periods. The paper also seeks to familiarize the students with the larger contexts that generated such literatures as well as the possible impacts of the literature on society. The significance of the scientific revolution during this period may also be studied in relation to the literary productions.
Semester IV
Paper 8: ENG-HC-4016 British Literature: The 18th Century
This paper aims to familiarize the students with British literature in the 18th century. A very interesting age in which reason and rationality dominated, this age saw the publication of some of the best novels and works of non-fictional prose and poetry in the English language. Though it was not predominantly an age of drama yet one cannot but pay attention to the few plays of the century. Although the texts in the course are mostly by men it must be noted that quite a number of women writers were also part of the literary scene. The texts in the course are representative of the age and to some extent representative of the forms as well. The selected texts hope to give the students an overview of the age and the writings that the age produced.
Paper 9: ENG-HC-4026 British Romantic Literature
The nineteenth century begins with the triumph of the Romantic imagination,expressing itself most memorably in the poetry of Blake, Burns, Wordsworth, Coleridge,Shelley, and Keats. The poetry of the age fashions itself partly in revolt to the spirit of the previous age, with very different ideas about the relationship between humans and nature and the role of the poet taking hold. This paper includes selections from works of major Romantic poets which address these issues, enabling students to appreciate the essence of the Romantic vision.In addition they will read that remarkable oddity, Frankenstein, a novel that also illuminates Romanticism from another angle.
Paper 10: ENG-HC-4036 British Literature: The 19th Century
The middle and later parts of the 19th century sees the novel coming into its own, although Jane Austen has already established the prestige of the novel form through her incisive explorations of the complexity of human motive and conduct, especially in their worldly affairs. The texts chosen will expose the students to the ground-breaking efforts of the poets as well to the works of fiction writers who manage to consolidate and refine upon the achievements of the novelists of the previous era. Austen to Rossetti represents a remarkable literary development and range of works, addressing a very diverse array of social preoccupations.
Semester V
Paper 11: ENG-HC-5016 British Literature: The 20th Century
While literary modernity can trace its roots to the works of some European writers of the 19th century, in England it is in the 20th century that the era of Modernism finds its voice in arts and literature. The works of the writers chosen for this paper are good introductions to the spirit of modernism, with its urgent desire to break with the codes and conventions of the past, experiment with new forms and idioms, and its cosmopolitan willingness to open itself up to influences coming from other shores. The paper goes beyond the High Modern period of the early century and the students will also get acquainted with the ethos of postmodernism through a reading of recent poetic and fictional works.
Paper 12: ENG-HC-5026 Women’s Writing
This paper seeks to direct the students’ attention to nineteenth and twentieth century writings by women living in different geographical and socio cultural settings. Students will get acquainted with the situationally distinct experiences of women articulated in a variety of genres-poetry, novels, short stories, and autobiography, while the selections from Mary Wollstonecraft-the only 18th century text prescribed, will acquaint students with the ideas contained in one of the earliest feminist treatises of the western world. Apart from an examination of the themes and styles in the prescribed texts, students will be required to engage themselves with the specificities of the contexts from which the texts emerged and also analyze the women writers’ handling of the different genres to articulate their women centric experiences. Themes: Gender, sexual/textual politics, feminism, body, identity, class, location, voice, space, gender and narrative.
Semester VI
Paper 13: ENG-HC-5016 Modern European Drama
The paper aims at introducing students to the innovative dramatic works of playwrights from different locations in Europe, which taken together represents the wide range of modern drama and its fortunes on the written page and the stage. The selected plays would allow an understanding of the emergence of avant garde movements and trends and dramatic devices and techniques during the period of modernism which eventually influenced theatrical practices in other nations of the world.
Paper 14: ENG-HC-5026 Postcolonial Literatures
European Colonialism since the fifteenth century changed the face of the world in many significant ways, and the effects of the experience of colonialism remain in many countries around the world even in the postcolonial era. This paper gives the students an opportunity to acquaint themselves with some of the novels, short stories and poems from postcolonial literatures across the world, with the texts showcasing the many regional, cultural differences and peculiarities, as well as common and shared experiences of the postcolonial condition.
PO1: The graduate course in Assamese major incorporates Assamese literature from the 9th to the century and also includes Western and Eastern literature.
PO2: Language is considered as a spine of a community, therefore the existence of a community or culture depends greatly on the existence of its language, and the existence of a community is the base of the existence of the country.
PO3: Students will gain knowledge of various aspects like tourism, archaeology, agriculture and fashion like indigenous dress and ornaments. They will also gain information on various religious and historical places of interest, archaeology variety and scope of agriculture.
PO4: After completion of this course students will gain information on the Assamese culture and tradition. the course will provide in creative writing, proof reader.
PSO1: The cultural history paper includes various aspects like,archaeology, agriculture and fashion ( indigenous dress and ornaments). It also encompasses information on various religious and historical places of interest, archaeology . varity and scope of agriculture.
PSO2: competence in the language will empower their communication skills.
PSO3: After completion of this course students will gain information on the Assamese culture and tradition. the course will provide skills in creative writing. As a result of their proficiency in Assamese language, the students can find employment opportunities in regional language TV channels as well as contribute to the development of local language ,literature and culture as whole.
CO1: Deals with the literature of `Arunodoi’ period , the contribution of English missionaries to the Assamese literature , the position of Assamese language and literatue during the rule of the English. CO2: Deals with a study of` Indo – Europiya’language and structure , `Ancient Indian Arya Language’,its structure and its difference with Modern Indian Arya language . it also gives an introduction of the history of origin of the Assamese language and a brief introduction to the languages of the surrounding states and their contribution to the Assamese language and to the dialects of Assamese.
CO3: Students will gain knowledge of Folk literature,Folk dance,Folk song, Musical instruments and food habit of different parts of Assam. They will study the characteristics of pre sankari literature and difference with modern literature and also the language of that time.
CO4: Deals with the language and content of modern Assamese poems and the life history of modern Assamese poets.
CO5: Focuses on the tradition and aesthetic of ancient Assamese drama.
CO6:It orients students to research methodology and writing of a project.The field study involved with it acquaints students with observation,data collection and research procedures.
CO7:It initiates Assamese prose that deals with the literacy and linguistic components of the “kirtton”,the drama and epics of the Sanskrit period and the “borgeet”.
CO8: Introduces the students to the Vaishnav poets of Assam as well as India and their literary composition. They are also introduced to the Brajabuli language.
CO9: Gives the students knowledge of the Assamese short stories and novels and also the western short story.
CO10: Gives a knowledge of the sermantics and syntax of the Assamese langyage , the theory of dialects, the necessity of its stydy and its contribution to the Assamese language.
CO11: Acquaints students with the origin and spread of Pali-Prakrit literature, the linguistics of Pali-Prakrit-Apravansha and Abhahatta language.
CO12: Deals with the language and history of old Assamese literature and with the history of ancient Assam.
CO13: Deals with the history of modern Assamese drama, the difference between Old Assamese drama and Modern Assamese drama.
CO14: Gives the students knowledge of the Assamese short stories and also the western short story.
CO15: Gives an introduction to modern Assamese literature ,the difference between ancient and modern literature in the context of the socio-economic and political conditions of Assam.
CO16: Helps attain knowledge about the origin and characteristics of classical Assamese poems.the poems of chorjapod,Sankardeva,Durgabar.
PO1. Realization of human values and dignity.
PO2. Responsible, dutiful and conscious citizen.
PO3. Sense of community work and social service.
PO4. Creative interest and creative ability.
PO5. Increasing the Critical temper.
PO6. Developing research knowledge in Political Science.
CO1: Knowledge and idea about political theory, its history and approaches, and an assessment of its critical and contemporary trends.
CO2: Understanding the government mechanism, its functions, duties and responsibilities.
CO3: Knowledge about political system of the nation. It further encourages a study of state institutions in their mutual interaction, and in interaction with the larger extra- constitutional environment.
CO4: Study of national and international political affairs.
CO5: The purpose is to familiarize students with the basic concepts and approaches to the study of comparative politics with various themes of comparative analysis in developed and developing countries.
CO6. Getting knowledge of Constitution of India.
CO7: Understanding public administration in its historical context with an emphasis on the various classical and contemporary administrative theories. The course also explore some of the recent trends, including feminism and ecological conservation and how the call for greater democratization is restructuring public administration.
CO8: Study of International Relations, its theoretical perspectives and an overview of twentieth century international relations history.
CO9: Understanding the Panchayati Raj Institutions and their actual working. It further encourages a study of PRIs in their mutual interaction and their interaction with the people.
CO10: Understanding the Human Rights, Social Inequality, Gender and Environment.
CO11: Creating appropriate and efficient political leaders.
CO12: Study of Indian and Western political thinkers.
CO13: Getting knowledge of political law.
CO14: Study from competitive examination point of view.
CO15: Acquaintance with social transactions, social relations, social formations, social control, social values and culture.
PO1: Understand aims and importance of education.
PO2: Understand various meanings and functions of education.
PO3: Understand the process of social interaction and its relevance in education.
PO4: Understand the functions and importance of non-formal education.
PO5: Acquaint students with methods of educational research, educational technology and statistics, measurement and evaluation in the field of education.
PO6: Understand the various problems and issues of current educational system.
PO7: Impart practical knowledge through experiments on psychology of individuals through various apparatus in laboratory.
PO8: Familiarize students with views and theories of educational thinkers and philosophers.
PO9: Making students aware of the management process and develop knowledge on Recourse
Management, Institutional Management, Financial Management and Personal Management.
PO10: Enable the students to be familiar with environmental and population issues.
PO11: Apprise the students the aims and objectives, need and importance of value education.
PSO1: Enhance students’ knowledge on the process of educational and philosophical theories and principles.
PSO2: Cultivate the ability of scientific thinking and attitudes and encouraging the same in the society.
PSO3: Will attain knowledge about various innovative technique and teaching skills for effective application in class room Management.
CO1: Students will learn about the theories, principles, aims and objectives of education.
CO2: Students will gather knowledge of ancient and medieval system of education in India.
CO3: Students will understand various policies and current issues of Indian education such as women empowerment, child labour, globalization, and vocationalization of education.
CO4: Students will be acquainted about the need and importance of environmental education.
CO5: Students will be taught about the various thoughts and ideas of Philosophers on theories of Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism.
CO6: Students will be familiarized with innovation in education in educational technology through audio visual aids, digital class, e-learning and e-library.
CO7: Students will obtain practical knowledge of measuring human psychology by using various apparatus in the psychological laboratory.
CO8: Students will learn knowledge about the views, thoughts and contribution of Western and Indian thinkers to present day educational thought.
CO9: Students will gain knowledge of education statistics and mental measurement.
CO10: Students will be be acquainted with the role, responsibility, professional ethics and accountability of a teacher.
The Department offer Under Graduate Programme in History with both Major/Honors and General/Regular Course
PO1: The course offered will enable students to use methodological tools in the study of history and Research.
PO2: The Students will be able to understand the different periods of Indian History and the emergence of India from the ancient times to the present day.
PO3: The Students will be able to understand the different periods of Assam History and the emergence of Assam from the ancient times to the present day.
PO4: The study of World civilization; Social Formation and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World will help the students to understand the transition of Mankind from primitive to the modern age.
PO5: The History of Europe and World Since 1945will enable the students’ about the genesis of modern world or Renaissance in Europe, Democratic Development, Industrial Revolution and comprehend the link between the coming of the Europeans to India and other parts of the world and establishment of colonies.
PO6: Students will understand the different scientific and technological developments in ancient and medieval India and world.
PO7: The history of China and gives an insight in to the socio political condition of China in the 19th and early 20th century the intervention of European powers and the establishment of the Communist Regime in 1949.
PO8: The history of Japan shows the rise of Japan from an underdeveloped country to one of the most powerful countries of the world.
PSO1: The course will enable the Students to acquaint with research methodology which will enrich their critical thinking abilities enabling them to look at history with critical insight and career oriented.
PSO2: The history of different ages and countries will enable the students to gain a holistic view of the socio cultural, political and economic history of different countries of the world at different stages and their impact on present times.
PSO3: Students will attain knowledge about the history of Assam from remotest past to till date.
PSO4: Students will gain knowledge of the scientific and technological developments in ancient and medieval India.
PSO5: The Skill Papers, Historical Tourism and Oral Culture will enable the students to understand the diversity of cultures and rich heritage of the country along will potential development of Tourism industry.
CO1: Students will be acquainted with the recent trends of historiography initiating them into the field of research.
CO2: Students will be introduced to the prominent empires of ancient India like Sisunaga, Nanda, Maurya, Gupta and regional dynasties.
CO3: Students will be introduced to the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate and the different dynasties like Slave, Khilji, Tughlaq, Lodi, Sayyid and the socio-religious movements (Bhakti and Sufi); Students are expected to know about the Mughal dynasty and the regional powers of the time like Marathas, Rajputs and Sikhs.
CO4: Students will be able to know the socio-cultural, political and economic condition of India under the East India Company and after 1857 and the freedom movement up to the attainment of independence.
CO5: Students will be able to understand the prominent ancient civilizations of the world (Egyptian, Roman, Mesopotamian, Greek and Chinese) and their impact on history.
CO6: The world since 1945 to the present times will enable the students about International Politics and topics like UNO, Cold War and Middle East policies etc.
CO7: Students will be introduced to the prominent dynasties of ancient Assam (Varman, Salasthamba, Pala and Ahoms) and the socio–political, cultural and economic condition of British occupied Assam, the freedom movement and attainment of freedom.
CO8: Students will gain knowledge about the prominent emperors and dynasties of medieval Europe and the socio cultural life of the times; the history of Europe after the French revolution and the emergence of new countries, like Germany and Italy; the history of Europe in the late 19th and 20th century.
CO9: Students will be acquainted with the different scientific and technological developments in ancient and medieval India.
CO10: Students will gain knowledge of the history of Great Britain in the medieval period up to the regency era.
CO11: Students will get knowledge of the socio-political condition of China in the 19th and early 20th century and the intervention of different European powers in China up to the establishment of the Communist regime in 1949.
CO12: Students will study the history of Japan from 1853 up to the 2nd World War i.e. its rise from an underdeveloped country to one of the most powerful countries of the world.
CO13: Students will get a practical knowledge of Research Methodology and writing Projects on historical topics.
PO1: The three year degree course including newly introduced CBCS course have mainly focused on initiating students to Indian and western Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, comparative religion, social and political philosophy, moral philosophy, logic etc.
PO2: It helps students having knowledge on Indian Philosophy-both classical and contemporary.
PO3: It insists on developing analytical and critical approach to problems of Philosophy.
PO4: The Students will be able to reconstruct and debate some fundamental issues in philosophical traditions.
PO5: Learners will be able to find solutions regarding various philosophical dilemmas they may confront.
PO6: Learners will be able to think logically about the relationship between social structures, interaction, identities and inequalities.
PSO1: The three year degree course in philosophy at the UG level focuses primarily on analytical and critical thinking skills among the students.
PSO2: It enlightens the students intellectually and spiritually; and will transform them in to men of logic and reason.
PSO3: The course also inculcates among students moral and ethical values.
PSO4: It provides education based on epistemic, aesthetic and spiritual values for the holistic growth of the learners.
CO1: The three year degree course enhances reasoning and analytical abilities as well as oratorical and debating skills among the students.
CO2: Students will be introduced to some of the central problems of metaphysics and epistemology such as God, Soul, the nature of reality and existence etc. Epistemology looks at how we know, what the sources of knowledge are, its limitations etc.
CO3: The Learners will confront with classical and contemporary philosophy of India and it will enhance their knowledge on classical scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads and other texts along with contemporary philosophical traditions.
CO4: Students are introduced to thoughts and works of the classical and contemporary western philosophers.
CO5: The Learners will be introduced to the study of existential as well as phenomenological movement of philosophy and thereby acquainting them with the importance and value of human existence and consciousness.
CO6: The Students will be acquainted with ethical and aesthetic values of life.
CO7: This course enlightens the students on various other philosophical traditions such as Philosophy of Gandhi, Sri Sankar Deva, Feminism, applied ethics and Philosophy of mind etc.
CO8: The study will enhance the knowledge of the students regarding Philosophy of religion and comparative religion.
CO9: on completion of the course students are expected to be able to :
i) Understand the scope of philosophical and psychological counseling.
ii) Inculcate self confidence in one’s own abilities to reason
iii) Understand the opinion of other people
iv) Overcome personal problems by adopting different philosophical approaches to philosophical counseling
v) Develop fair-mindedness in appraising reasoning
vi) Write in comprehensible ,unambiguous language
vii) Present ideas in organized, efficient, methodical ways
viii) Develop ancillary skills of observation, reasoning, decision making etc.
ix) Develop effective communication skill
x) Identify logical fallacies in day-today conversations and argumentations
xi) Avoid committing fallacies
xii) Provide well reasoned arguments in any discourse
xiii) Articulate the importance and role of Environment
xiv) Uncover and explicate the fundamental significance of environments in terms of present as well as future human and non human world
xv) Understand one’s duties and responsibilities towards protection of environment.
PO1: The graduate course in Hindi major incorporates Hindi literature from the 10th to the century and also includes Western and Eastern literature.
PO2: Students will understand the role played by the poets of “Bhakti kal” in literature and society and the strategy of converting worship to a struggle for cultural freedom.
PO3: Language is considered as a spine of a community , therefore the existence of a community or culture depends greatly on the existence of its language, and the existence of a community is the base of the existence of the country.
PO4 : Students will get to know the socio economic and cultural conditions of medieval and modern Indian society through a study of selected novels and short stories.
PO5: Essays on literacy and topics of social, cultural and political consciousness enlighten the students about these aspects.
PO6: Hindi drama dealing with various themes related to social concerns will enable the students to see how society is represented in literature.
PO7: Students will attain knowledge of Assamese language and literature.
PO8 : Students will learn applications of functional Hindi and translation.
PO9: A history of Hindi Literature will enable the students to understand its development.
PO10: Students will understand the impact of women exploitation on society.
PO11: A study on “Paryavaran” will increase the consciousness of the students on a healthy environ
PO12: Students will gain information on various religious and historical places of interest, archaeology variety and scope of agriculture.
PO13: After completion of this course students will gain information on the Hindu culture and tradition. The course will provide in creative writing, proof reader.
PSO1: Students will be able to understand the relation between society and literature and analyze the role played by Hindi literature in the past and present.
PSO2: Students will develop a philosophy of life inspired by the vision of eminent writers.
PSO3: Students will gain socio-cultural, gender and environmental consciousness
PSO4: Competence in the language will empower their communication skills.
PSO5: After completion of this course students will gain information on the Hindu culture and tradition. The course will provide skills in creative writing. As a result of their proficiency in Hindi language, the students can find employment opportunities in Hindi language TV channels as well as contribute to the development of Hindi language, literature and culture as whole.
PSO6: They can engage themselves as teachers.
CO1: Students will be introduced to Hindi poetry of “Bhakti kal”. Deals with the literature of `Adikal ,Bhakti kal and Riti Kal’ period, the contribution of various social reformars to the Hindi literature, the position of Hindi language and literature during the rule of Mughal periods.
CO2: Deals with the literature of `Bharatendu’ period, the contribution of English missionaries to the Hindi literature, the position of Hindi language and literature during the rule of the English.
CO3: Deals with a study of `Indo – European’ language and structure, `Ancient Indian Arya Language’, its structure and its difference with Modern Indian Arya language. It also gives an introduction of the history of origin of the Hindi language and a brief introduction to the languages of the surrounding states and their contribution to the Hindi language.
CO4: Hindi works of fiction will be introduced through selected novels and short stories.
CO5: Non frictional literature in Hindi through selected essays on literacy, socio-cultural and political topics will be introduced to the students.
CO6: Students will be introduced to Hindi “Natya Sahitya “through a study of selected dramas .
CO7: Students will attain knowledge of Assamese language and literature . Origin and development of Assamese Language. Deals with the language and content of Assamese Literature especially ‘Bhakti-Kal and Aadhunik Kal’ (upto Romantic Period).
CO8: Students will gain knowledge of functional Hindi and its applications and translation.
CO9: Students will be required to study the history of the development of literature.
CO10: Students will be introduced to the origin of Hindi language and literature.
CO11: The students will be acquainted with the forms of exploitations faced by women in a feudalistic system and its long drawn effects in society.
CO12: Students will be introduced to the concept of “Payavaran” and its role in making human life healthy.
CO13: Students will study the characteristics of Pre Sankari Literature and difference with modern literature and also the language of that time.
CO14: It orients students to undertake a small academic project on Literature survey on life and literary works of a Hindi Literary genius (Hindi Sahityik Vibhuti).
PO1: A broad knowledge and understanding of selected fields of study in the core program with an in-depth knowledge in at least one of these fields.
PO2: Explain the basic concepts and theories and institutional arrangements underlying the operations and performance of modern economies.
PO3: A general view of the concepts, principles, theories and arguments of selected areas of study outside the core disciplines of economies, commerce, and business
PO4: To understand the theories, concepts and findings from the social sciences to effectively manage people and organizations for the benefit of the full range of organizational stakeholders and contribute positively to the development of organisations and society particularly in relation to business, economies, government and commercial professions.
PO5: Encourage in self-directed study and research and have a continuing commitment to learning.
PO6: To be confident in their learning and respond in a critically informed manner to new ideas , research finding , methodologies and theoretical framework in their specialized field of study
PO7: Apply critical and analytical skills and methods to the identification, evaluation and resolution of complex problems and to do so from the stand point of specialized knowledge developed in at least one specific commerce discipline.
PO8: Contribute to issues of concern to society within the frame work of disciplines of studies both within and outside the core program .
PO9: Appreciate and participate in national and international debate and discussions on economy, commercial and business issues.
PO10: Demonstrate an ability to communicate ideas effectively in both written and oral formats.
PO11: Qualify for employment in a wide range of occupations.
PO12: work competently and productively in groups, exercising team work and inter personal skills.
PO13: A B.com degree holder can work as an Accountant , Finance officer, Auditor , Consultant , Business analyst , Tax consultant , Stock broker , Economist , Business development trainee etc.
PO14: A B.com degree holder can also opt to become a chartered accountant, Company secretary, Cost accountant or go for higher study like MBA, M.com etc.
PO15: Different job areas like Business consultancies , Educational institutions, Industrial house, Public accounting firms, policy planning, foreign trade, bank , budgets, planning, inventory control, merchant banking, marketing, treasury and forest department, investment banking etc. are open for B.com graduate.
PSO1: the B.com course is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills and understanding in fields like finance, accounting, management and taxation.
PSO2: To hold a aB.com degree one needs to attain knowledge of different subjects like economics , finance, information and technology, management, laws , human resource management ,business statistics, marketing management etc.
CBCS Programme:
CO1: It helps the students to acquire knowledge of the basic of communication, accounting information, computerized accounting system, Stock market, demand and supply side of market, Indian Contract Act, and the organization and management of a business enterprise and to learn issues relating to contemporary life and culture in English language.
CO2: It helps the students to know natural resources, Ecosystem, environment pollution, concepts of the macro economics. It also helps to learn about Shares, amalgamation of companies and case studies involving issues in corporate laws, analyzing the principles of insurance and its usefulness in business along with its regulatory framework and managing various types of risk and also applications of mathematics and statistical techniques in business decision making.
CO3: To provide basic knowledge of computer application in business, application of principles and provision of income tax act 1961, understanding of basic management concepts, basic statistical tools used for managerial decision making, process of identifying various sources of new business ideas of product and services. It also helps to understand the required skills and apply operations research techniques to all kinds of decision making problems and also is to orient the learner toward entrepreneurship as a career option and creative thinking and behavior.
CO4: To acquire the knowledge of concepts used in cost accounting and corporate accounting ,the basic financial mathematical tools on application to business and economic situation . To acquaint the students with the principles of management and to manage human resource of an organization .To study about the major economic problems in India and their solutions , concepts of micro finance and its importance in Indian context. It also helps the students to familiar with the electronic filing of IT Return and mechanism for conducting business transactions through E-Commerce.
CO5: The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge of concepts, tools and techniques of marketing, to familiarize the students with the principles and practice of financial management, to impart the students about the use of financial, cost and other data for the purpose of managerial planning, control and decision making. It also helps to impart advanced knowledge on financial accounting applicable in business and familiarize the students with the basic concepts, tools and techniques of advertising used in marketing and also study on the overall efficiency and stability of the banking system and also to enable the students about computerized accounting system and also the basic knowledge, components and the functions of Indian financial system.
To acquaint the students with the techniques and principles to manage human resource of an organization and provide basic knowledge of auditing, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. It also equipped students with applications of principles and provision of Services Tax, VAT, Central Excise, and Custom Laws. To orient the learner toward entrepreneurship as a career option and creative thinking and behavior and also give a conceptual framework of event management and managing of different types of event, and also acquaint the students with the concepts of Business economics and micro economics dealing with consumer behavior.
CO6: To provide basic knowledge of auditing, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. It also equipped students with applications of principles and provision of Services Tax, VAT, Central Excise, and Custom Laws. To familiarize the students with different investment alternatives and highlight the role of investor protection. It also helps the students with the consumer right and legal framework of protecting consumer rights and give an advanced knowledge of corporate accounting and also acquaint students with international business and India’s involvement with global business. It enables the students to learn the concept of industrial relation and various labour enactments and provide general understanding of business research also help how to collect data , analyze, present and interpret data.
It helps the student to familiarize with the basic concepts, tools and techniques of use in advertising, and also study on the overall efficiency and stability of the banking system. To impart the students about the use of financial, cost and other data for the purpose of managerial planning, control and decision making, also to enable the students about computerized accounting system, international business and India’s involvement with global business. It also acquaints the students with the activities in a modern office, facilities provided to the staff working in the office. It also helps the students with the fundamentals of personal selling and the selling process. It also helps the students to develop marketing competencies in retailing and retail consulting.
Non-CBCS Programme:
C01A: To enable the students to have minimum knowledge of mathematics as is applicable to business and economic situation and also acquaint with origin and development of insurance and also brief description on life insurance, general insurance and insurance intermediaries. It also helps the student to learn about accounting information, Indian financial system, financial market, MNCs, Business combination and the role of entrepreneur in socio economic development. It also acquaint the students with cost accounting, rural environment, rural finance and its sources, HRM and its administration and impact of globalization on HRM and to enable the students to become familiar with the mechanism for conducting business transaction through electronic means.
CO2A: To know about IFRS, branch accounting, basic knowledge of concepts, tools and techniques of management, to familiarize the students with the principles and to develop communication skills besides developing proficiency in English language and to give knowledge about statistical methods with a focus on the application of these methods to the business world. It also acquaints the students with the role of management accounting in decision making, human resource development and training, micro finance and present structure of institutional finance for rural development.
CO3A: It helps the students to know natural resources, Ecosystem, environment pollution and to develop communication skills besides developing proficiency in English language and also give knowledge of corporate accounting, corporate law, final accounts and application of principles and provision of Income Tax Act 1961.To make the student understand about share, holding companies financial institutions and market.
CO4A: To acquaint the students about business economics, auditing concepts, sampling and various procedure of audit report. To give knowledge about goods and service tax law of the country, acquaint the students regarding banking and insurance companies. To give more knowledge about cost and management accounting and international banking.
CO5A: To know about emerging issues and challenges in business at the national and international level in the light of the policies of liberalization and globalization. S5tudents will learn about the basics and significance of marketing, financial management and also help to know about Indian contract act, sale of goods act. Assam cooperative societies act. To know about statutory rules followed in preparing financial statements, customer relation and retail trade business. It acquaints the learners with the applicability and importance of international trade in present world economy.
CO6A: To give knowledge about computer and its application in business, understand the marketing services hold in the new business era and modern banking practices. To know about the right to information act and also some special act. To understand the basic concepts of research and methodology and process of preparing the project report.